Become a Knitting Superstarâ„¢
Become a Knitting Superstarâ„¢
Become a Knitting Superstarâ„¢
Become a Knitting Superstarâ„¢
Become a Knitting Superstarâ„¢

Fearless Knitter

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Fearless Knitter


Becoming a Fearless Knitter

So you’ve just learned how to knit. Either you’ve worked through my Learn-to-Knit e-book, or a friend has taught you… maybe you’ve searched on YouTube for beginner videos or gone to your local yarn store… either way, you’re hooked.

Yay!! My heart is swelling with happiness, knowing the wonderful and challenging journey that is in front of you as a knitter. Let’s work together to make it a fantastic one!

Many of my intermediate and even advanced knitting students come to me with a spotty foundation to their knitting. They may have been knitting for thirty years, but they still don’t feel comfortable reading knitting patterns (this is like living in the U.S. for thirty years and not learning how to speak English – they’re missing out on a whole lot). Many are self-taught knitters who aren’t aware of where their skills fit into the overall structure or body of knowledge of knitting techniques.

They go for years and through many frustrating projects without even knowing there is an easier way to do something. I want to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. I wrote this e-book for adventurous beginners and for intermediate knitters who have missed key foundations of their knitting practice.

I’m going to help you build a solid foundation of knitting knowledge and skill, so that each new project is a challenge where you learn and add to your skill set, not one where you get frustrated. I’m going to guide you through progressively more challenging projects so that you can really absorb each skill and build on it as you work through this course.

You are going to learn SO many keys to knitting – working through these videos is going to pay off in hundreds of hours of saved time, skipped frustration, and even dollars saved at the yarn store.

I’ll also give you a challenge project at the end of each module – if you’re feeling adventurous, this will be the perfect way to do some knitting extra-credit! Together we are going to set you on a course toward Knitting Superstardom, with the correct form, from the very beginning. Let’s find out what you’re going to learn!

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