Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™

Become a Knitting Superstar for $10/Month

Learn in-depth with a library of over 580+ knitting videos on every topic.

Become a Knitting Superstar for $10/Month

Learn in-depth with a library of over 580+ knitting videos on every topic.

Become a Knitting Superstar for $10/Month

Learn in-depth with a library of over 580+ knitting videos on every topic.

Clear, to-the-point videos

Learn quickly and efficiently

Beginner to advanced topics

Become a knitting superstar with the world's best video knitting library

Stream and download over 580+ knitting videos to your phone or tablet.
Carla at computer with knitting needles 1200
KnitFreedom Membership

Do you ever get stuck on projects without anyone to ask for help?

Are you so excited to get started that you jump in headfirst, without having the necessary skills?

Do you ever get stuck on projects in the middle of the night without anyone to ask for help?

Are you so excited to get started that you jump in headfirst, without having the necessary skills?

Your passion for knitting can get you stuck.

Whether you have been knitting for 40+ years or you just started today, we help you learn efficiently so you can get back to having fun knitting.
Woman proudly holding her knitting
Whether you have been knitting for 40+ years or you just started today, we help you learn efficiently so you can get back to having fun knitting.
Woman proudly holding her knitting

Knitting on your own, haven't you encountered these three obstacles?

  1. YouTube videos that are slow and painful

  2. Getting stuck without anyone to ask for help

  3. Not having enough knitting friends close by
Unlike YouTube videos or in-person classes, KnitFreedom membership solves all these problems for you.

#1. Videos on YouTube can be slow and painful

Mature woman knitting at computer looking unhappy

You can waste a lot of time searching on YouTube and still not come away with a straight answer.

Chit-chat, irritating voices, and other distractions make YouTube an unreliable source for those who prefer learning to be efficient and fun.

#1. Videos on YouTube can be slow and painful

Mature woman knitting at computer looking unhappy

You can easily waste a lot of time searching on YouTube and still not come away with a straight answer.

Chit-chat, irritating voices, and other distractions make YouTube an unreliable source for those who prefer learning to be efficient and fun.

KnitFreedom membership gets you

580+ Crystal-Clear Knitting Videos At Your Fingertips

Searching and watching knitting videos on a laptop computer

580+ Crystal-Clear Videos At Your Fingertips

Searching and watching knitting videos on an iPad tablet
KnitFreedom membership gets you

580+ Crystal-Clear Knitting Videos At Your Fingertips

Searching and watching knitting videos on a widescreen computer
KnitFreedom membership gets you

580+ Crystal-Clear Knitting Videos At Your Fingertips

Searching and watching knitting videos on an iPad tablet
Search ME GIF 1 5:18:23


Beginner Scarf

As a new knitter you can pick up bad habits that can hold you back later. Build a solid knitting foundation while making a gorgeous fringed scarf for under $20.


  1. Get Your Yarn Ready
  2. Cast On
  3. Tension Your Yarn
  4. The Knit Stitch
  5. Tips and Tricks
  6. Avoid Common Knitting Mistakes
  7. Switch To Another Ball of Yarn
  8. Bind Off
  9. Weave In Ends
  10. Optional: Add Fringe

Beginner Scarf

Crochet is a fast, fun hobby that’s just as addictive as knitting, but understanding how crochet works is tough on your own. We teach you the fundamentals of crochet so that you can approach any project with confidence.


  1. Base Chain
  2. Single Crochet
  3. Next SC Row
  4. Examine Single Crochet Row
  5. Half-Double Crochet
  6. Double Crochet
  7. Triple Crochet
  8. Slip Stitch
  9. Make Stripes on Crochet
  10. Sandwich Yarns
  11. Magic Ring
  12. Crocheted Flower
  13. Coffee Cozy Crochet
  14. Granny Square
  15. Check Gauge on Crochet
  16. Crocheted Hat
  17. Increasing on Crochet
  18. Decreasing on Crochet
  19. Fixing Mistakes on Crochet
  20. Seaming With Crochet
  21. Decorative Crochet Border
  22. Weaving in Ends on Crochet


Two dishcloths and a rectangular hand towel folded

Don’t get stuck knitting just scarves. We teach you every beginner foundational technique so you are ready to knit hats, mittens, and socks in no time. You’ll learn and practice on scarves, dishcloths, washcloths, pillows, and a patchwork blanket.


  1. 5 Keys for Beginner Success
  2. Yarn for Beginner Projects
  3. Needles for Beginner Projects
  4. The Long-Tail Cast-On
  5. Estimating Tail Needed
  6. Refresher: The Long-Tail Cast-On
  7. Refresher: 1 Row of Knitting
  8. How to Do the Purl Stitch
  9. Forgot to Put the Yarn in Front
  10. Wrapping Yarn the Wrong Way
  11. Examining Garter Stitch
  12. How to Do Ribbing
  13. Examining Ribbing
  14. Reading Your Work on Ribbing
  15. Removing Stitches One By One
  16. Forgot to Move the Yarn
  17. Knitted/Purled in Wrong Spot
  18. Knitted Past a Wrong Stitch
  19. Going the Wrong Way
  20. Count Stitches by Fives
  21. Fixing a Dropped Stitch 4 Ways
  22. A Dropped Stitch Far Down
  23. Check Your Tension
  24. Bind Off in Pattern
  25. Weave in Ends on 1×1 Rib
  26. Switching Colors + Carrying Yarn
  27. Dishcloth: How to Increase
  28. Dishcloth: Examining First Rows
  29. Taking Out Rows of Stitches
  30. Put Stitches Back on the Needles
  31. Dishcloth: How to Decrease
  32. How to Do Stockinette Stitch
  33. How to Make a Gauge Swatch, Check Gauge, and Adjust Needle Size to Get Gauge
  34. Frog Dishcloth: First Rows
  35. Frog Dishcloth: Pattern Rows
  36. Recognize Where You Are
  37. Weaving in Ends on St St
  38. Blocking Your Work
  39. Slip-Stitch Scarf: Slip Stitches
  40. Slip-Stitch Scarf: First Rows
  41. Advanced Knit and Purl Mistakes
  42. Mistake-Rib Scarf: First Rows
  43. If You Get Lost in the Pattern
  44. If Stitches Don’t Line Up Right
  45. How to Do Seed Stitch
  46. Seed Stitch Dishcloth
  47. Decreasing on Seed Stitch
  48. How to Slip Edge Stitches
  49. Patchwork Blanket: Zig-Zag Lace
  50. Add a Border to Your Squares
  51. Seaming With a Crochet Hook
  52. Mattress Stitch

Dropped Knit Stitch

If you can’t fix mistakes in your knitting, you won’t take risks. These videos show you how to catch and correct the 10 top knitting mistakes so that no misstep can slow you down.


  1. Fixing a Dropped Knit Stitch
  2. Fixing a Dropped Purl Stitch
  3. Undo Knitting Stitch by Stitch
  4. Knitting Too Tight
  5. Twisted Purl Stitches
  6. Put Dropped Stitches Back On
  7. Loop Not Pulled Through
  8. Going the Wrong Way
  9. Mistakes in Ribbing
  10. Cast-On/Bind-Off Too Tight

Felted Slippers and Tiny Foot

Felting and seaming are two techniques most beginning knitters avoid because they seem scary. Learn how easy they both are on an adorable, instant-gratification project you’ll love.


  1. Practice With a Paper Slipper
  2. Knit in Garter Stitch
  3. Count Rows on Garter Stitch
  4. Change Colors Correctly
  5. Count Rows on Next Squares
  6. How to Pick Up and Knit
  7. Mark Your Seams for Success
  8. Seam with Mattress Stitch
  9. Fearlessly Weave in Ends
  10. Fun with Needle Felting
  11. Add Puffy Paint for Non-Slip

Woman knitting crazy long pink scarf 630x630px

Many knitters knit slower than they need to due to errors in their tension and technique. We teach you to correct those errors so your knitting is smooth and rhythmic and you feel proud of your stitches and tension.


  1. Fully Insert Needle-Tips
  2. Spread Out Right-Hand Stitches
  3. Advance Left-Hand Stitches
  4. Hang Onto Your Stitches
  5. Hang Onto Your Yarn
  6. Feed Yarn Through Your Fingers
  7. Learn to Fix Dropped Stitches
  8. Count Stitches + Rows Fast
  9. Use the Right Tools for the Job
  10. Learn to Read Your Work
  11. Avoid Needless Frogging

Knitting Pattern: Longhand

When you don’t know how to read knitting patterns, you stay stuck as a beginner. We teach you how to read all kinds of knitting patterns so that any project is within your reach.


  1. Why Learn To Read a Pattern
  2. Guide: How to Read Patterns
  3. Gauge Matters, Not Needle Size
  4. Substitute Yarn Fiber + Weight
  5. Size, Measurements, and Ease


Bulky Adult Hat Back View

Knitting your first hat can be challenging, especially if you’re using double-pointed needles. We teach you the easiest way to knit in the round on Magic Loop so you can knit a beginner bulky hat with confidence.


  1. Learn Magic Loop + Check Gauge
  2. Cast On
  3. Start Ribbing
  4. Ribbing Tips
  5. Increase Round
  6. Making (Jogless) Stripes
  7. Decreases
  8. Finishing

Pink Feather and Fan Summer Lace Scarf

Lace knitting is intimidating because it can be hard to recognize and fix mistakes. Learn and practice on an elegant feather-and-fan summer scarf so you can feel confident approaching harder lace projects.


Feather-and-Fan Scarf
  1. Basic Feather and Fan Pattern
  2. How to Tell What Row You’re On
  3. Tell Where You Are in the Row
  4. Fixing Mistakes and Binding Off
Odyssey Shawl (Joji Locatelli)
  1. Full Tutorial: Odyssey Shawl

Bulky cabled legwarmers with buttons

Cables create beautiful, flowing motifs, but using a cable needle can be cumbersome. We teach you with and without a cable needle so you can knit any cabled project FAST. Learn and practice on a gorgeous pair of bulky cabled legwarmers.


  1. Cabled Legwarmers Walkthrough
  2. How to Read a Cable Chart
  3. Keep Track of Where You Are
  4. Rows 1-4 (Stockinette Stitch)
  5. Rows 5-6 (Cable Set-Up)
  6. Cable Abbreviations
  7. T3L/T3R With a Cable Needle
  8. T3L/T3R Without A Cable Needle
  9. Work Even on a Cable Chart
  10. Easy 2-Row Buttonhole
  11. C4R With A Cable Needle
  12. C4R Without Cable Needle
  13. Rows 13-24 (Continue Pattern)
  14. When You Forget to Cable
  15. Mistakes When Cabling Without a Cable Needle
  16. A Stitch That Looks Out of Place
  17. Forgot to Do Buttonhole
  18. Forgot What Row You’re On
  19. C4L With A Cable Needle
  20. C4L Without A Cable Needle
  21. How to Bind Off in Pattern
  22. Sew Buttons and Weave in Ends
  23. How to Make a Twisted-Cord Tie
Bonus Videos
  1. Reversible Cables
  2. Cabling Tips

Holding the yarn in your left hand to knit and purl can feel awkward. We help you finally “get” Continental so you can knit faster with better tension.


  1. Continental vs. American Knitting
  2. Continental vs. American Ribbing
  3. Tensioning the Yarn
  4. Finger Aerobics I
  5. The Continental Knit Stitch
  6. Finger Aerobics II
  7. The Continental Purl Stitch
  8. Yarnover
  9. 1×1 Rib
  10. Correct Hand Position: The “U”
  11. How to Knit Without Looking

Magic Loop

Knitting in the round using double-pointed needles can slow, difficult, and frustrating.

We teach you our favorite way of knitting in the round: Magic Loop so you can knit socks, sweaters, and hats easily.

Practice on the perfect slouchy hat.


  1. Knit in the Round on Magic Loop
  2. How to Go Faster on Magic Loop
  3. Keep Your Loops the Right Size
  4. Switch Needles on Magic Loop
  5. How to Start with a Purl Stitch
  6. Pulling the 1st Stitch Too Tight
  7. Turned Knitting Inside-Out
  8. Round-End Yarn-Overs
  9. Going The Wrong Way
  10. Twisting Loops of Cable
  11. Undo Knitting Stitch by Stitch
  12. The “One Stitch Left” Challenge
  13. The Traveling Loop Technique

Dovetail Mosaic shawl

Mosaic knitting is a colorwork technique even beginners can do. But the instructions can be confusing. Learn to master Mosaic and slip-stitch techniques to make stunning color projects.


  1. Beginner: Mosaic Brick Pattern
  2. Three Tips for Mosaic Knitting
  3. Basic Mosaic Troubleshooting
  4. Intermediate: ZigZag Stripes
  5. Fixing Intermediate Mistakes
  6. Advanced: Mosaic Charts
Starburst Cowl (Irina Poludnenko)
  1. Full Tutorial: Starburst Cowl

Knit without pain with Portuguese Knitting

If you have hand pain or arthritis, it limits how much you can knit. Portuguese knitting can help reduce hand pain so you can enjoy knitting again.


  1. Portuguese Tension + Purl Stitch
  2. Portuguese Knit Stitch

Seamless Dog Sweaters Rule!

Most dog sweaters are knit from pieces you seam up, which takes a long time.

Learn the basics of sweater shaping while knitting a great-looking dog sweater without seaming on Magic Loop.


  1. Magic Loop + Check Gauge
  2. Cast On and Work Neck Ribbing
  3. Work Body Increases
  4. Bind Off for Leg Openings
  5. Cast On to Finish Leg Openings
  6. Weave in Your Ends Now
  7. Continue Knitting the Body
  8. Decrease for Back
  9. Work Body Ribbing
  10. Work Leg Ribbing and Finish

Purple toe-up socks with heel flap, shown out of car window

Most sock patterns are very hard for beginners, especially if they are written for double-pointed needles.

Our class teaches you the easiest techniques using Magic Loop. You will knit a simple pair of worsted-weight toe-up socks that fit great.


  1. Walk-Through of Toe-Up Sock
  2. Check Your Gauge in the Round
  3. Judy’s Magic Cast-On (JMCO)
  4. Cast On for Both Socks
  5. Stop Losing Cast-On Stitches
  6. Bottom Needle/Back Needle
  7. Fix a Loose Toe-Up Cast-On
  8. Increases on Toe-Up Socks
  9. M1L and M1R Increases
  10. Easier KFB Instead of M1R
  11. Read Your Work for Increases
  12. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  13. Avoiding Gaps and Ladders
  14. Socks Not Joined On One Side
  15. Removing Socks to Unravel + Fix
  16. Start Fleegle Heel Increases
  17. Estimate Fleegle Heel Using Shoe Size
  18. Turn the Fleegle Heel
  19. How to Purl Backwards
  20. Final Decreases on Fleegle Heel
  21. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off
  22. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off
  23. Weave in Ends
Bonus videos
  1. Faux Heel Flap for Toe-Up Socks
  2. Slip-Stitch Heel Pattern
  3. Eye-of-the-Partridge Stitch

fingering weight top down socks purple araucanía book med 92921

Top-down socks have several complex parts.

Learn to knit a pair of top-down fingering-weight socks with our simple Magic Loop pattern so that you can knit even advanced socks with confidence.


  1. Top-Down Socks Walk-Through
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On
  3. Knit 1st Round
  4. Optional Lace Pattern
  5. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  6. Avoiding Gaps and Ladders
  7. Socks Not Joined On One Side
  8. Knit the Heel Flap
  9. Slip-Stitch Heel Pattern
  10. Eye-of-the-Partridge Stitch
  11. Turn the Heel
  12. How to Purl Backwards
  13. Pick Up Stitches Along Heel Flap
  14. Shape Gusset
  15. Kitchener Stitch
  16. Weave in Ends on Socks
  17. How to Block Your Work


One-and-two-color Brioche knitting is beautiful but can be intimidating.

We teach you every tip and trick so that knitting Brioche feels like second nature. Practice on a gorgeous scarf and hat.


  1. Basic One-Color Brioche Stitch
  2. Read Your Work in Brioche
  3. How to Count Stitches and Rows
  4. Setup for a Standard Bind-Off
  5. Stretchy Yarnover Bind-Off
  6. Weaving in Ends on Brioche
  7. What is Selvedge-Stitch Brioche?
  8. Italian Cast-On + Tubular Setup
  9. One-Color Selvedge Brioche
  10. Italian Bind-Off
  11. One-Color Brioche in the Round
  12. Two-Color Brioche in the Round
  13. Read Work on 2-Color Brioche
  14. Decreasing: the Brioche SSK
  15. Two-Color Flat Selvedge Brioche
  16. Tips for Two-Color Flat Brioche
  17. Fixing Mistakes in Brioche

Charts mashup image 92921 sm

Charts allow you to knit complex patterns easily, but their symbols and rules can be confusing.

We teach you knit-and-purl, lace, cable, Fair-Isle, Intarsia, double knitting, duplicate stitch, and Mosaic charts so that you can approach any charted pattern, and any of the above projects, with confidence.


Knit and Purl Charts
  1. Basic Checkerboard
  2. Textured Stripes
  3. Bricks
  4. Swan
Lace Charts
  1. Lace Zigzag + Put in a Lifeline
  2. Lace Diamond
  3. Foliage Toddler Hat
  4. Starlight Lace in the Round
Colorwork Charts
  1. Fair Isle Charts
  2. Double Knitting Charts
  3. Intarsia Charts
  4. Duplicate Stitch
  5. Mosaic Charts
Cable Charts
  1. Simple Cable Charts
  2. Complex Cable Charts

Deb Dav double knit Jesse and Mabe square crop

Two-sided knitting involves specific new knitting techniques.

Master double knitting from a chart so that even complex projects, like the above, are doable.

You’ll learn by making a chunky heart or checkerboard scarf.


  1. Pattern Walk-Through
  2. How to Read a Chart
  3. Cast-On for Double Knitting
  4. Set-Up for Double Knitting
  5. Double-Knit Plain Stitches
  6. Practice: Rows 3-4
  7. Keep Your Edges Clean
  8. Double Knit a Charted Design
  9. Keep Track on Double Knitting
  10. Practicing the Charted Design
  11. How to Undo Stitches
  12. If You Don’t Move Both Yarns
  13. Fixing a Mistake Far Down
  14. Completely Remove a Few Rows
  15. Keep Your Yarn from Twisting
  16. Adding a New Ball of Yarn
  17. How to Double-Knit Faster
  18. How to Bind Off
  19. How to Weave In Ends

KnitFreedom Fair-Isle bag

Grab 2, 3, or more colors of yarn because you’re ready to knit Fair-Isle.

Fair-Isle tension can be tricky, so we walk you through it whether you’re an American, Continental, or dual-style knitter.

Practice on a fun and easy felted bag.


Beginner: Fair-Isle Felted Bag
  1. Pattern Walkthrough
  2. Knitting the Base of the Bag
  3. Join Color B
  4. Knit the Striped Bag Bottom
  5. Pick Up + Knit Around Base
  6. Begin Knitting in the Round
  7. Learn to Read a Chart
  8. Begin Fair-Isle Knitting
  9. Messed Up Following the Chart
  10. Maintain Tension
  11. Pulling Floats Too Tight
  12. Fix Mistakes Far Down
  13. Switch Colors Consistently
  14. Prevent Long Floats
  15. Avoid Corners on Magic Loop
  16. Garter Stitch in the Round
  17. Final Rounds
  18. Weave in Ends
  19. I-Cord Handles
  20. Assemble Bag
Intermediate and Advanced Fair-Isle
  1. Flat Fair-Isle (Back-and-Forth)
  2. 3-Color Fair-Isle
  3. Fair-Isle Ribbing
  4. Ladder-Back Jacquard

Cat Bordhi created the popular infinity-loop knitting style called Moebius Knitting.

Get comfortable knitting any moebius project out there by creating a gorgeous decorative felted bowl.


  1. Materials
  2. Moebius Cast On
  3. Creating 5 Twists
  4. Round 1
  5. Round 2
  6. I-Cord Bind-Off
  7. Weave in Ends
  8. Prepare Folds
  9. Pick Up and Knit
  10. Increase Round
  11. Decreases
  12. Decrease Tricks
  13. Finishing

Pink foliage hat

Learn to knit charted lace in the round, fix mistakes on any kind of lace pattern, and knit a beautiful hat you will be proud of.


  1. Pattern Overview
  2. Learn Magic Loop
  3. Check Your Gauge
  4. Cast-On and Round 1
  5. Work Rounds 2-3
  6. Crown – Rounds 1-2
  7. Crown – Rounds 3-4
  8. Counting Chart Stitches
  9. Crown – Round 5
  10. Pattern Round or Plain Round?
  11. Fixing Mistakes 1
  12. Crown – Round 9
  13. Crown – Round 7
  14. Crown – Round 11
  15. Fixing Mistakes 2
  16. Remove Stitches Back to Lifeline
  17. How to Put in a Lifeline
  18. Crown – Round 13
  19. Crown – Round 15
  20. Fixing Extreme Mistakes
  21. Loop of Magic Loop Comes Out
  22. Forgot a Yarnover
  23. Decrease Round
  24. Leaf Lace – Rounds 1-2
  25. Leaf Lace – Round 3
  26. Leaf Lace – Round 5
  27. Dropped Yarnovers
  28. Leaf Lace – Round 7
  29. Leaf Lace – Round 11
  30. Leaf Lace – Round 9
  31. Fixing Mistakes 3
  32. Work in Ribbing
  33. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off
  34. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off
  35. Weave In Ends

Worsted two-at-a-time mittens

Normal thumb construction makes your first mittens a challenge.

Learn the world’s best mitten thumb plus the two-at-a-time-on-Magic-Loop technique to create a pair of perfect-fitting bulky mittens that you can knit in one day.


  1. Bulky Mittens Pattern Overview
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On
  3. Twisted Rib Cuff
  4. Work in Twisted Rib
  5. Count Cuff Rounds Easily
  6. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  7. Work One Round Even
  8. Increase for the Hand
  9. Increase for the Thumb
  10. Slip Markers As You Increase
  11. Continue Increasing for Thumb
  12. Tell If It’s Time to Increase
  13. Remove Thumb Stitches
  14. Knit the Hand
  15. Count Your Rounds Easily
  16. Decrease for Top of Hand
  17. Count Subsequent Rounds
  18. Finish Hand Decreases
  19. Finish Top of the Hand
  20. Place Thumb Stitches on Needle
  21. Pick Up + Knit Across Gap
  22. Knit Thumb
  23. Weave in Ends on Mittens
  24. Bonus: Ultimate Mitten Thumb


Many important bind-offs
Using the same standard bind-off for every project can make your knits look lackluster.

For a professional finish, select a recommended bind-off for each type of project from over 45+ bind-offs.


Bind-Off Tips and Tricks
  1. Matching Cast-Ons + Bind-Offs
  2. Neaten Last Stitch: Flat Knitting
  3. Neaten Last Stitch in the Round
  4. Count Bound-Off Stitches
  5. Undo Your Bind-Off Stitches
Bind-Offs for Stockinette
  1. Standard Bind-Off
  2. Suspended Bind-Off (Variation)
  3. Decrease Bind-Off
  4. Crochet Bind-Off
  5. Elastic Bind-Off
  6. Braided Rib Bind-Off
  7. EZ Sewn Bind-Off
Bind-Offs for Garter Stitch
  1. Icelandic Bind-Off
  2. Chinese Waitress Bind-Off
Stretchy Bind-Offs/Bind-Offs for Ribbing
  1. In-Pattern Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  2. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO): 1×1 Rib
  3. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO): 2×2 Rib
  4. Yarnover Bind-Off
  5. Latvian Bind-Off
  6. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off: 1×1 Rib
  7. Tubular Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  8. Kitchener Double-Rib Bind-Off
  9. Cable Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  10. Cable Bind-Off for 2×2 Rib
Bind-Offs for Lace
  1. Frilled Standard Bind-Off
  2. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO)
Decorative Bind-Offs
  1. Knit 2 Together Bind-Off
  2. I-Cord Bind-Off
  3. Edging Bind-Off
  4. Hemmed Edge Bind-Off: Purl + Picot
  5. Frilled Standard Bind-Off
  6. Frilled Decrease Bind-Off
  7. Ruffle Bind-Off
  8. Picot Point Bind-Off #1
  9. Picot Point Bind-Off #2
  10. Picot Chain Bind-Off
Seaming Bind-Offs
  1. Russian Grafting
  2. Japanese Bind-Off
  3. ZigZag (Ancient Greek) Bind-Off
  4. Three-Needle Bind-Off
  5. Three-Needle I-Cord Bind-Off
  6. Kitchener Stitch Without Fear
  7. Kitchener Stitch for Garter Stitch
Other Bind-Offs
  1. Without-Knitting Bind-Off
  2. 1-Over-2 (Gathered) Bind-Off
  3. Cable Bind-Off for Seed Stitch
  4. Simple Two-Color Bind-Off
  5. Double-Stitch Bind-Off
  6. Sloped Bind-Off
  7. Tulips Buttonhole

Cast Ons two at a time

Using just one or two cast-ons can make your projects look homemade, not professional.

Learn 40 unique ways to start your knitted projects, with stretchy cast-ons, invisible cast-ons, center-start cast-ons, and more.


Cast-On Basics
  1. Estimating Tail Needed
  2. How to Make a Slipknot
  3. Casting On Without a Slipknot
  4. Slingshot Position
Cast-On Tips and Tricks
  1. Casting Onto Two Needles
  2. The Infinite-Tail Method
  3. Count Cast-On Stitches Fast
  4. Adding More Stitches at the Endl
  5. Fixing a Dropped Cast-On Stitch
  6. Cast-On Too Tight or Too Loose
Long-Tail Cast-Ons
  1. The Long-Tail Cast-On
  2. Long-Tail Cast-On – Thumb
  3. Old Norwegian (Twisted German) Cast-On
  4. Chain (Crochet) Cast-On
Short-Tail Cast-Ons
  1. Backwards Loop Cast-On
  2. Cable Cast-On
  3. Double-Twist Loop Cast-On
  4. Grandma’s Cast-On
  5. Knitted Cast-On
  6. Purled Cast-On
Stretchy/Ribbed Cast-Ons
  1. Alternating Cable Cast-On
  2. Alternating Long-Tail Cast-On
  3. Alternating Old Norwegian (Twisted German) Cast-On
  4. Channel Island Cast-On
  5. Chinese Waitress Cast-On
  6. Double-Start Cast-On
  7. Slipknot Cast-On
  8. Tillybuddy’s Cast-On
Invisible Ribbed Cast-Ons
  1. Italian Tubular for 1×1 Rib
  2. Italian Tubular for 2×2 Rib
Center-Start Cast-Ons
  1. Emily Ocker’s Circular Cast-On
  2. Invisible Circular Cast-On
  3. Garter Tab Cast-On
Decorative Cast-Ons
  1. Lace Cast-On
  2. Picot Cast-On
  3. Hemmed Edge: Purl + Picot
  4. I-Cord Cast-On
Double-Sided Cast-Ons
  1. Judy’s Magic Cast-On (JMCO)
  2. JMCO for two-at-a-Time
  3. Turkish Cast-On
  4. Figure-8 Cast-On
Color Cast-Ons
  1. Contrasting-Color Cast-On
  2. Two-Color Cast-On
  3. Three-Color Cast-On
  4. Twined Cast-On for 2-Color Rib
Provisional Cast-Ons
  1. Provisional Cast-On
  2. Crochet Provisional Cast-On
Special Shapes
  1. Moebius Cast-On
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On

Basic Crochet Swatch

If you haven’t crocheted in a while (or ever), you’ll need a quick-reference dictionary of crochet stitches in order to follow any pattern.

Videos and GIFs teach and quickly remind you of each technique.


  1. BLO – Back loop only
  2. CH – Chain stitch | GIF
  3. DC – Double crochet
  4. HDC – Half-double crochet
  5. SC – Single crochet | GIF
  6. SL ST – Slip stitch
  7. TR – Triple crochet
  8. British Crochet Terms

K Knit Stitch Dictionary Cover image 92921 sm

Baffled by an abbreviation in your pattern? Video demos of 30+ abbreviations help you knit any pattern correctly and easily.


  1. 1×1 Rib/2×2 Rib – Ribbing
  2. BLCO – Backwards Loop Cast-On
  3. BO – Bind Off
  4. BO in Pattern
  5. Garter St – Garter Stitch
  6. K – Knit Stitch – American
  7. K – Knit Stitch – Continental
  8. K2TOG – Knit 2 Together
  9. K2TOGTBL – K2TOG Through the Back Loops
  10. KFB – Knit Front and Back
  11. Kitchener Stitch
  12. Long-Tail Cast-On
  13. Mattress Stitch
  14. M1/M1L – Make One Left
  15. M1R – Make One Right
  16. P – Purl Stitch – American
  17. P – Purl Stitch – Continental
  18. P2TOG – Purl 2 Together
  19. PFB – Purl Front and Back
  20. P/u (Pu) + K – Pick up and Knit
  21. Recognizing Knit + Purl Stitches
  22. S2KP – Slip 2, Knit, Pass
  23. SKP – Slip, Knit, Pass
  24. Sl – Slip 1
  25. SSK – Slip, Slip, Knit
  26. St St – Stockinette Stitch
  27. TBL – Through the Back Loop
  28. W&T – Wrap and Turn
  29. Weave in Ends
  30. Work Even

  1. YO – Yarnover

Knitting lingo can be confusing.

We define and illustrate over 80 knitting and yarn terms so that you can keep up with any pattern or discussion.


  1. Accidental Yarnover
  2. American/English-Style Knitting
  3. Aran
  4. Back Loop
  5. Beginning of Round
  6. Bind Off
  7. Blocking
  8. Bobbin
  9. Cast On
  10. Center-Pull Ball
  11. Chunky
  12. Circs/Circulars
  13. Circular Needles
  14. Colorway
  15. Colorwork
  16. Continental Knitting
  17. Contrasting Color
  18. Decrease
  19. DK
  20. Double-Pointed Needles
  21. DPN(s)
  22. Dye Lot
  23. Felting
  24. Fingering
  25. Flat Knitting
  26. Frogging
  27. Garter Stitch
  28. Gauge
  29. Gauge Swatch
  30. Getting Gauge
  31. Grabby
  32. Hank
  33. Heathered
  34. Highly Variegated
  35. In Pattern
  36. In the Round
  37. Increase
  38. Kettle-Dyed
  39. Knit Up (Verb)
  40. Knitting Flat
  41. Knitting Pattern
  42. Knitwise
  43. Lace
  44. Leg
  45. Local Yarn Store
  46. LYS
  47. Magic Loop
  48. Main Color
  49. Mosaic Knitting
  50. Multiple (Noun)
  51. Pull From the Center
  52. Pull From the Outside
  53. Purlwise
  54. Read Your Work
  55. Reverse Stockinette Stitch
  56. Ribbing
  57. Right Side
  58. Round (Noun)
  59. Round Knitting
  60. Self-Striping
  61. Semi-Solid
  62. Short-Tail Cast-On
  63. Skein
  64. Sport
  65. Stash
  66. Stitch
  67. Stockinette Stitch
  68. Straight Needles
  69. Super-Bulky
  70. Swatch
  71. Tail
  72. Tension (Verb and Noun)
  73. Tink
  74. Turn Work
  75. Variegated
  76. Weave In
  77. Weight
  78. Work Even
  79. Working Yarn
  80. Worsted
  81. Wrap
  82. Wrong Side
  83. Yardage
  84. Yarnover

Stork Embroidery Scissors Ultima made in Italy square

When you’re just starting out it’s hard to know which supplies are essential and which are nice-to-have.

Our list of recommended supplies will help you choose yarn, needles, project bags, and notions for every budget.


  1. A Treasury of Knitting Patterns
  2. Complete Idiot’s Guide to Knitting and Crocheting
  3. Custom Knits
  4. Handknit Holidays
  5. Harmony Guides: Knit & Purl
  6. Harmony Guides: Lace & Eyelets
  7. Knitting Brioche
  8. Knitting on the Edge
  9. Mosaic Knitting
  10. Son of Stitch ‘n Bitch
  11. Stitch ‘n Bitch Crochet – The Happy Hooker
  12. Stitch ‘n Bitch Nation
  13. Stitch ‘n Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook
  14. The Knitter’s Book of Yarn
  15. The Magic Loop
Fabric Care
  1. Blocking Mats and T-Pins
  2. Soak Wash
  3. Sock Blockers
  4. Sweater Shavers
  1. 10-Inch Rosewood Needles
  2. 10-Inch Signature Needles
  3. Addi Turbos
  4. Size 10 Birch Needles
  1. Ball Winder
  2. Cable Needles
  3. Crochet Hooks
  4. Embroidery Scissors
  5. Fabric (Puffy) Paint
  6. Kitchen Scale
  7. Knit Chek Gauge-Checker
  8. Knitting Needle Case
  9. Needle-Felting Needles
  10. Needle-Felting Pad
  11. Notions Case
  12. Pompom Maker
  13. Stitch Markers – Locking
  14. Stitch Markers – Split Ring
  15. Suede Slipper Bottoms
  16. Swift
  17. Tape Measure
  18. Tapestry Needles
  1. Hand Dyed Bulky
  2. Malabrigo Chunky
  3. Malabrigo Rasta
  4. Malabrigo Twist
  5. Walkabout Yarn
  6. Wool-Ease Thick n’ Quick Yarn

Handy Guide to Yarn Weights Needle Size and Gauge

Remind yourself about yarn weights, needle sizes, and gauge with our handy guides..


  1. US-Metric Needle Conversion
  2. Yarn Weights, Needles + Gauge
  3. Yarn Weights: Actual Size
  4. Yarn Weights: Photo Glossary

#2. Getting stuck without anyone to ask for help

Liat teaching knitting at Blazing Needles in 2011

Without help, you can get frustrated on your knitting, and you may end up avoiding challenges instead of approaching them with confidence.

Difficulty with tension, deciphering your mistakes, and confusingly-written patterns often require one-on-one assistance to resolve.

#2. Getting stuck without anyone to ask for help

Liat teaching knitting at Blazing Needles in 2011

Without help, you can get frustrated on your knitting, and you may end up avoiding challenges instead of approaching them with confidence.

Difficulty with tension, deciphering your mistakes, and confusingly-written patterns often require one-on-one assistance to resolve.

KnitFreedom membership gets you
GIF of emailing a sweater question

Answers to Your Knitting Questions Within 24 Hours

KnitFreedom membership gets you
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Answers to Your Knitting Questions Within 24 Hours

KnitFreedom membership gets you

Answers to Your Knitting Questions Within 24 Hours

Typing out a knitting question on Gmail mobile

#3. Not having enough knitting friends close by

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Our Monthly Q&A Zoom Call
A Zoom meeting snapshot on an iPad tablet
Our Monthly Q&A Zoom Call

When you’re knitting on your own, you miss out on the fun of connecting with other kind and curious knitters like you.

Widening your network gets you answers to more questions than depending on a single teacher. Plus, it’s inspiring, invigorating, and a lot of fun!

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Our Monthly Q&A Zoom Call

When you’re knitting on your own, you miss out on the fun of connecting with other kind and curious knitters like you.

Widening your network gets you more answers to your questions than depending on a single teacher. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!

#3. Not having enough knitting friends close by

A Zoom meeting snapshot on an iPad tablet
Our Monthly Q&A Zoom Call
A Zoom meeting snapshot on an iPhone smartphone
Our Monthly Q&A Zoom Call

When you’re knitting on your own, you miss out on the fun of connecting with other kind and curious knitters like you.

Widening your network gets you more answers to your questions than depending on a single teacher. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!

KnitFreedom membership gets you

Group Connections That Keep You Motivated and Inspired

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KnitFreedom membership gets you

Group Connections That Keep You Motivated and Inspired

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Posting a question in the Facebook group

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  • Unlimited help on knitting questions
  • Private Facebook group + Monthly Q&A Zoom call
  • Permanently own all current and future courses
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Just need one class to complete your collection?

Buy individual classes here.

Hi, I'm Liat Gat, KnitFreedom's creator.

Liat Gat headshot
I started KnitFreedom in 2010 as a way to teach the world my favorite knitting techniques.

Today, KnitFreedom serves over 40,000 subscribers with videos that have been viewed more than 7,750,000 times.

Our students love learning from a professional catalog of over 580+ high-definition videos.

Our motto: With videos designed for your success, learning becomes efficient and fun.
Liat Gat headshot

Hi, I'm Liat Gat, KnitFreedom's creator.

I started KnitFreedom in 2010 as a way to teach the world my favorite knitting techniques.

Today, KnitFreedom serves over 40,000 subscribers with videos that have been viewed more than 7,750,000 times.

Our students love learning from a professional catalog of over 580+ high-definition videos.

Our motto: With videos designed for your success, learning becomes efficient and fun.

Hi, I'm Liat Gat, KnitFreedom's creator.

Liat Gat headshot
I started KnitFreedom in 2010 as a way to teach the world my favorite knitting techniques.

Today, KnitFreedom serves over 40,000 subscribers with videos that have been viewed more than 7,750,000 times.

Our students love learning from a professional catalog of over 580+ high-definition videos.

Our motto: With videos designed for your success, learning becomes efficient and fun.

Hi, I'm Liat Gat, KnitFreedom's creator.

Liat Gat headshot
I started KnitFreedom in 2010 as a way to teach the world my favorite knitting techniques.

Today, KnitFreedom serves over 40,000 subscribers with videos that have been viewed more than 7,750,000 times.

Our students love learning from a professional catalog of over 580+ high-definition videos.

Our motto: With videos designed for your success, learning becomes efficient and fun.

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Knit With Confidence in 1, 2, 3!

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580+ Knitting Videos: Table of Contents


Beginner Scarf

As a new knitter you can pick up bad habits that can hold you back later. Build a solid knitting foundation while making a gorgeous fringed scarf for under $20.


  1. Get Your Yarn Ready
  2. Cast On
  3. Tension Your Yarn
  4. The Knit Stitch
  5. Tips and Tricks
  6. Avoid Common Knitting Mistakes
  7. Switch To Another Ball of Yarn
  8. Bind Off
  9. Weave In Ends
  10. Optional: Add Fringe

Beginner Scarf

Crochet is a fast, fun hobby that’s just as addictive as knitting, but understanding how crochet works is tough on your own. We teach you the fundamentals of crochet so that you can approach any project with confidence.


  1. Base Chain
  2. Single Crochet
  3. Next SC Row
  4. Examine Single Crochet Row
  5. Half-Double Crochet
  6. Double Crochet
  7. Triple Crochet
  8. Slip Stitch
  9. Make Stripes on Crochet
  10. Sandwich Yarns
  11. Magic Ring
  12. Crocheted Flower
  13. Coffee Cozy Crochet
  14. Granny Square
  15. Check Gauge on Crochet
  16. Crocheted Hat
  17. Increasing on Crochet
  18. Decreasing on Crochet
  19. Fixing Mistakes on Crochet
  20. Seaming With Crochet
  21. Decorative Crochet Border
  22. Weaving in Ends on Crochet


Two dishcloths and a rectangular hand towel folded

Don’t get stuck knitting just scarves. We teach you every beginner foundational technique so you are ready to knit hats, mittens, and socks in no time. You’ll learn and practice on scarves, dishcloths, washcloths, pillows, and a patchwork blanket.


  1. 5 Keys for Beginner Success
  2. Yarn for Beginner Projects
  3. Needles for Beginner Projects
  4. The Long-Tail Cast-On
  5. Estimating Tail Needed
  6. Refresher: The Long-Tail Cast-On
  7. Refresher: 1 Row of Knitting
  8. How to Do the Purl Stitch
  9. Forgot to Put the Yarn in Front
  10. Wrapping Yarn the Wrong Way
  11. Examining Garter Stitch
  12. How to Do Ribbing
  13. Examining Ribbing
  14. Reading Your Work on Ribbing
  15. Removing Stitches One By One
  16. Forgot to Move the Yarn
  17. Knitted/Purled in Wrong Spot
  18. Knitted Past a Wrong Stitch
  19. Going the Wrong Way
  20. Count Stitches by Fives
  21. Fixing a Dropped Stitch 4 Ways
  22. A Dropped Stitch Far Down
  23. Check Your Tension
  24. Bind Off in Pattern
  25. Weave in Ends on 1×1 Rib
  26. Switching Colors + Carrying Yarn
  27. Dishcloth: How to Increase
  28. Dishcloth: Examining First Rows
  29. Taking Out Rows of Stitches
  30. Put Stitches Back on the Needles
  31. Dishcloth: How to Decrease
  32. How to Do Stockinette Stitch
  33. How to Make a Gauge Swatch, Check Gauge, and Adjust Needle Size to Get Gauge
  34. Frog Dishcloth: First Rows
  35. Frog Dishcloth: Pattern Rows
  36. Recognize Where You Are
  37. Weaving in Ends on St St
  38. Blocking Your Work
  39. Slip-Stitch Scarf: Slip Stitches
  40. Slip-Stitch Scarf: First Rows
  41. Advanced Knit and Purl Mistakes
  42. Mistake-Rib Scarf: First Rows
  43. If You Get Lost in the Pattern
  44. If Stitches Don’t Line Up Right
  45. How to Do Seed Stitch
  46. Seed Stitch Dishcloth
  47. Decreasing on Seed Stitch
  48. How to Slip Edge Stitches
  49. Patchwork Blanket: Zig-Zag Lace
  50. Add a Border to Your Squares
  51. Seaming With a Crochet Hook
  52. Mattress Stitch

Dropped Knit Stitch

If you can’t fix mistakes in your knitting, you won’t take risks. These videos show you how to catch and correct the 10 top knitting mistakes so that no misstep can slow you down.


  1. Fixing a Dropped Knit Stitch
  2. Fixing a Dropped Purl Stitch
  3. Undo Knitting Stitch by Stitch
  4. Knitting Too Tight
  5. Twisted Purl Stitches
  6. Put Dropped Stitches Back On
  7. Loop Not Pulled Through
  8. Going the Wrong Way
  9. Mistakes in Ribbing
  10. Cast-On/Bind-Off Too Tight

Felted Slippers and Tiny Foot

Felting and seaming are two techniques most beginning knitters avoid because they seem scary. Learn how easy they both are on an adorable, instant-gratification project you’ll love.


  1. Practice With a Paper Slipper
  2. Knit in Garter Stitch
  3. Count Rows on Garter Stitch
  4. Change Colors Correctly
  5. Count Rows on Next Squares
  6. How to Pick Up and Knit
  7. Mark Your Seams for Success
  8. Seam with Mattress Stitch
  9. Fearlessly Weave in Ends
  10. Fun with Needle Felting
  11. Add Puffy Paint for Non-Slip

Woman knitting crazy long pink scarf 630x630px

Many knitters knit slower than they need to due to errors in their tension and technique. We teach you to correct those errors so your knitting is smooth and rhythmic and you feel proud of your stitches and tension.


  1. Fully Insert Needle-Tips
  2. Spread Out Right-Hand Stitches
  3. Advance Left-Hand Stitches
  4. Hang Onto Your Stitches
  5. Hang Onto Your Yarn
  6. Feed Yarn Through Your Fingers
  7. Learn to Fix Dropped Stitches
  8. Count Stitches + Rows Fast
  9. Use the Right Tools for the Job
  10. Learn to Read Your Work
  11. Avoid Needless Frogging

Knitting Pattern: Longhand

When you don’t know how to read knitting patterns, you stay stuck as a beginner. We teach you how to read all kinds of knitting patterns so that any project is within your reach.


  1. Why Learn To Read a Pattern
  2. Guide: How to Read Patterns
  3. Gauge Matters, Not Needle Size
  4. Substitute Yarn Fiber + Weight
  5. Size, Measurements, and Ease


Bulky Adult Hat Back View

Knitting your first hat can be challenging, especially if you’re using double-pointed needles. We teach you the easiest way to knit in the round on Magic Loop so you can knit a beginner bulky hat with confidence.


  1. Learn Magic Loop + Check Gauge
  2. Cast On
  3. Start Ribbing
  4. Ribbing Tips
  5. Increase Round
  6. Making (Jogless) Stripes
  7. Decreases
  8. Finishing

Pink Feather and Fan Summer Lace Scarf

Lace knitting is intimidating because it can be hard to recognize and fix mistakes. Learn and practice on an elegant feather-and-fan summer scarf so you can feel confident approaching harder lace projects.


Feather-and-Fan Scarf
  1. Basic Feather and Fan Pattern
  2. How to Tell What Row You’re On
  3. Tell Where You Are in the Row
  4. Fixing Mistakes and Binding Off
Odyssey Shawl (Joji Locatelli)
  1. Full Tutorial: Odyssey Shawl

Bulky cabled legwarmers with buttons

Cables create beautiful, flowing motifs, but using a cable needle can be cumbersome. We teach you with and without a cable needle so you can knit any cabled project FAST. Learn and practice on a gorgeous pair of bulky cabled legwarmers.


  1. Cabled Legwarmers Walkthrough
  2. How to Read a Cable Chart
  3. Keep Track of Where You Are
  4. Rows 1-4 (Stockinette Stitch)
  5. Rows 5-6 (Cable Set-Up)
  6. Cable Abbreviations
  7. T3L/T3R With a Cable Needle
  8. T3L/T3R Without A Cable Needle
  9. Work Even on a Cable Chart
  10. Easy 2-Row Buttonhole
  11. C4R With A Cable Needle
  12. C4R Without Cable Needle
  13. Rows 13-24 (Continue Pattern)
  14. When You Forget to Cable
  15. Mistakes When Cabling Without a Cable Needle
  16. A Stitch That Looks Out of Place
  17. Forgot to Do Buttonhole
  18. Forgot What Row You’re On
  19. C4L With A Cable Needle
  20. C4L Without A Cable Needle
  21. How to Bind Off in Pattern
  22. Sew Buttons and Weave in Ends
  23. How to Make a Twisted-Cord Tie
Bonus Videos
  1. Reversible Cables
  2. Cabling Tips

Holding the yarn in your left hand to knit and purl can feel awkward. We help you finally “get” Continental so you can knit faster with better tension.


  1. Continental vs. American Knitting
  2. Continental vs. American Ribbing
  3. Tensioning the Yarn
  4. Finger Aerobics I
  5. The Continental Knit Stitch
  6. Finger Aerobics II
  7. The Continental Purl Stitch
  8. Yarnover
  9. 1×1 Rib
  10. Correct Hand Position: The “U”
  11. How to Knit Without Looking

Magic Loop

Knitting in the round using double-pointed needles can slow, difficult, and frustrating.

We teach you our favorite way of knitting in the round: Magic Loop so you can knit socks, sweaters, and hats easily.

Practice on the perfect slouchy hat.


  1. Knit in the Round on Magic Loop
  2. How to Go Faster on Magic Loop
  3. Keep Your Loops the Right Size
  4. Switch Needles on Magic Loop
  5. How to Start with a Purl Stitch
  6. Pulling the 1st Stitch Too Tight
  7. Turned Knitting Inside-Out
  8. Round-End Yarn-Overs
  9. Going The Wrong Way
  10. Twisting Loops of Cable
  11. Undo Knitting Stitch by Stitch
  12. The “One Stitch Left” Challenge
  13. The Traveling Loop Technique

Dovetail Mosaic shawl

Mosaic knitting is a colorwork technique even beginners can do. But the instructions can be confusing. Learn to master Mosaic and slip-stitch techniques to make stunning color projects.


  1. Beginner: Mosaic Brick Pattern
  2. Three Tips for Mosaic Knitting
  3. Basic Mosaic Troubleshooting
  4. Intermediate: ZigZag Stripes
  5. Fixing Intermediate Mistakes
  6. Advanced: Mosaic Charts
Starburst Cowl (Irina Poludnenko)
  1. Full Tutorial: Starburst Cowl

Knit without pain with Portuguese Knitting

If you have hand pain or arthritis, it limits how much you can knit. Portuguese knitting can help reduce hand pain so you can enjoy knitting again.


  1. Portuguese Tension + Purl Stitch
  2. Portuguese Knit Stitch

Seamless Dog Sweaters Rule!

Most dog sweaters are knit from pieces you seam up, which takes a long time.

Learn the basics of sweater shaping while knitting a great-looking dog sweater without seaming on Magic Loop.


  1. Magic Loop + Check Gauge
  2. Cast On and Work Neck Ribbing
  3. Work Body Increases
  4. Bind Off for Leg Openings
  5. Cast On to Finish Leg Openings
  6. Weave in Your Ends Now
  7. Continue Knitting the Body
  8. Decrease for Back
  9. Work Body Ribbing
  10. Work Leg Ribbing and Finish

Purple toe-up socks with heel flap, shown out of car window

Most sock patterns are very hard for beginners, especially if they are written for double-pointed needles.

Our class teaches you the easiest techniques using Magic Loop. You will knit a simple pair of worsted-weight toe-up socks that fit great.


  1. Walk-Through of Toe-Up Sock
  2. Check Your Gauge in the Round
  3. Judy’s Magic Cast-On (JMCO)
  4. Cast On for Both Socks
  5. Stop Losing Cast-On Stitches
  6. Bottom Needle/Back Needle
  7. Fix a Loose Toe-Up Cast-On
  8. Increases on Toe-Up Socks
  9. M1L and M1R Increases
  10. Easier KFB Instead of M1R
  11. Read Your Work for Increases
  12. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  13. Avoiding Gaps and Ladders
  14. Socks Not Joined On One Side
  15. Removing Socks to Unravel + Fix
  16. Start Fleegle Heel Increases
  17. Estimate Fleegle Heel Using Shoe Size
  18. Turn the Fleegle Heel
  19. How to Purl Backwards
  20. Final Decreases on Fleegle Heel
  21. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off
  22. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off
  23. Weave in Ends
Bonus videos
  1. Faux Heel Flap for Toe-Up Socks
  2. Slip-Stitch Heel Pattern
  3. Eye-of-the-Partridge Stitch

fingering weight top down socks purple araucanía book med 92921

Top-down socks have several complex parts.

Learn to knit a pair of top-down fingering-weight socks with our simple Magic Loop pattern so that you can knit even advanced socks with confidence.


  1. Top-Down Socks Walk-Through
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On
  3. Knit 1st Round
  4. Optional Lace Pattern
  5. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  6. Avoiding Gaps and Ladders
  7. Socks Not Joined On One Side
  8. Knit the Heel Flap
  9. Slip-Stitch Heel Pattern
  10. Eye-of-the-Partridge Stitch
  11. Turn the Heel
  12. How to Purl Backwards
  13. Pick Up Stitches Along Heel Flap
  14. Shape Gusset
  15. Kitchener Stitch
  16. Weave in Ends on Socks
  17. How to Block Your Work


One-and-two-color Brioche knitting is beautiful but can be intimidating.

We teach you every tip and trick so that knitting Brioche feels like second nature. Practice on a gorgeous scarf and hat.


  1. Basic One-Color Brioche Stitch
  2. Read Your Work in Brioche
  3. How to Count Stitches and Rows
  4. Setup for a Standard Bind-Off
  5. Stretchy Yarnover Bind-Off
  6. Weaving in Ends on Brioche
  7. What is Selvedge-Stitch Brioche?
  8. Italian Cast-On + Tubular Setup
  9. One-Color Selvedge Brioche
  10. Italian Bind-Off
  11. One-Color Brioche in the Round
  12. Two-Color Brioche in the Round
  13. Read Work on 2-Color Brioche
  14. Decreasing: the Brioche SSK
  15. Two-Color Flat Selvedge Brioche
  16. Tips for Two-Color Flat Brioche
  17. Fixing Mistakes in Brioche

Charts mashup image 92921 sm

Charts allow you to knit complex patterns easily, but their symbols and rules can be confusing.

We teach you knit-and-purl, lace, cable, Fair-Isle, Intarsia, double knitting, duplicate stitch, and Mosaic charts so that you can approach any charted pattern, and any of the above projects, with confidence.


Knit and Purl Charts
  1. Basic Checkerboard
  2. Textured Stripes
  3. Bricks
  4. Swan
Lace Charts
  1. Lace Zigzag + Put in a Lifeline
  2. Lace Diamond
  3. Foliage Toddler Hat
  4. Starlight Lace in the Round
Colorwork Charts
  1. Fair Isle Charts
  2. Double Knitting Charts
  3. Intarsia Charts
  4. Duplicate Stitch
  5. Mosaic Charts
Cable Charts
  1. Simple Cable Charts
  2. Complex Cable Charts

Deb Dav double knit Jesse and Mabe square crop

Two-sided knitting involves specific new knitting techniques.

Master double knitting from a chart so that even complex projects, like the above, are doable.

You’ll learn by making a chunky heart or checkerboard scarf.


  1. Pattern Walk-Through
  2. How to Read a Chart
  3. Cast-On for Double Knitting
  4. Set-Up for Double Knitting
  5. Double-Knit Plain Stitches
  6. Practice: Rows 3-4
  7. Keep Your Edges Clean
  8. Double Knit a Charted Design
  9. Keep Track on Double Knitting
  10. Practicing the Charted Design
  11. How to Undo Stitches
  12. If You Don’t Move Both Yarns
  13. Fixing a Mistake Far Down
  14. Completely Remove a Few Rows
  15. Keep Your Yarn from Twisting
  16. Adding a New Ball of Yarn
  17. How to Double-Knit Faster
  18. How to Bind Off
  19. How to Weave In Ends

KnitFreedom Fair-Isle bag

Grab 2, 3, or more colors of yarn because you’re ready to knit Fair-Isle.

Fair-Isle tension can be tricky, so we walk you through it whether you’re an American, Continental, or dual-style knitter.

Practice on a fun and easy felted bag.


Beginner: Fair-Isle Felted Bag
  1. Pattern Walkthrough
  2. Knitting the Base of the Bag
  3. Join Color B
  4. Knit the Striped Bag Bottom
  5. Pick Up + Knit Around Base
  6. Begin Knitting in the Round
  7. Learn to Read a Chart
  8. Begin Fair-Isle Knitting
  9. Messed Up Following the Chart
  10. Maintain Tension
  11. Pulling Floats Too Tight
  12. Fix Mistakes Far Down
  13. Switch Colors Consistently
  14. Prevent Long Floats
  15. Avoid Corners on Magic Loop
  16. Garter Stitch in the Round
  17. Final Rounds
  18. Weave in Ends
  19. I-Cord Handles
  20. Assemble Bag
Intermediate and Advanced Fair-Isle
  1. Flat Fair-Isle (Back-and-Forth)
  2. 3-Color Fair-Isle
  3. Fair-Isle Ribbing
  4. Ladder-Back Jacquard

Cat Bordhi created the popular infinity-loop knitting style called Moebius Knitting.

Get comfortable knitting any moebius project out there by creating a gorgeous decorative felted bowl.


  1. Materials
  2. Moebius Cast On
  3. Creating 5 Twists
  4. Round 1
  5. Round 2
  6. I-Cord Bind-Off
  7. Weave in Ends
  8. Prepare Folds
  9. Pick Up and Knit
  10. Increase Round
  11. Decreases
  12. Decrease Tricks
  13. Finishing

Pink foliage hat

Learn to knit charted lace in the round, fix mistakes on any kind of lace pattern, and knit a beautiful hat you will be proud of.


  1. Pattern Overview
  2. Learn Magic Loop
  3. Check Your Gauge
  4. Cast-On and Round 1
  5. Work Rounds 2-3
  6. Crown – Rounds 1-2
  7. Crown – Rounds 3-4
  8. Counting Chart Stitches
  9. Crown – Round 5
  10. Pattern Round or Plain Round?
  11. Fixing Mistakes 1
  12. Crown – Round 9
  13. Crown – Round 7
  14. Crown – Round 11
  15. Fixing Mistakes 2
  16. Remove Stitches Back to Lifeline
  17. How to Put in a Lifeline
  18. Crown – Round 13
  19. Crown – Round 15
  20. Fixing Extreme Mistakes
  21. Loop of Magic Loop Comes Out
  22. Forgot a Yarnover
  23. Decrease Round
  24. Leaf Lace – Rounds 1-2
  25. Leaf Lace – Round 3
  26. Leaf Lace – Round 5
  27. Dropped Yarnovers
  28. Leaf Lace – Round 7
  29. Leaf Lace – Round 11
  30. Leaf Lace – Round 9
  31. Fixing Mistakes 3
  32. Work in Ribbing
  33. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off
  34. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off
  35. Weave In Ends

Worsted two-at-a-time mittens

Normal thumb construction makes your first mittens a challenge.

Learn the world’s best mitten thumb plus the two-at-a-time-on-Magic-Loop technique to create a pair of perfect-fitting bulky mittens that you can knit in one day.


  1. Bulky Mittens Pattern Overview
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On
  3. Twisted Rib Cuff
  4. Work in Twisted Rib
  5. Count Cuff Rounds Easily
  6. Keep Yarn from Tangling
  7. Work One Round Even
  8. Increase for the Hand
  9. Increase for the Thumb
  10. Slip Markers As You Increase
  11. Continue Increasing for Thumb
  12. Tell If It’s Time to Increase
  13. Remove Thumb Stitches
  14. Knit the Hand
  15. Count Your Rounds Easily
  16. Decrease for Top of Hand
  17. Count Subsequent Rounds
  18. Finish Hand Decreases
  19. Finish Top of the Hand
  20. Place Thumb Stitches on Needle
  21. Pick Up + Knit Across Gap
  22. Knit Thumb
  23. Weave in Ends on Mittens
  24. Bonus: Ultimate Mitten Thumb


Many important bind-offs
Using the same standard bind-off for every project can make your knits look lackluster.

For a professional finish, select a recommended bind-off for each type of project from over 45+ bind-offs.


Bind-Off Tips and Tricks
  1. Matching Cast-Ons + Bind-Offs
  2. Neaten Last Stitch: Flat Knitting
  3. Neaten Last Stitch in the Round
  4. Count Bound-Off Stitches
  5. Undo Your Bind-Off Stitches
Bind-Offs for Stockinette
  1. Standard Bind-Off
  2. Suspended Bind-Off (Variation)
  3. Decrease Bind-Off
  4. Crochet Bind-Off
  5. Elastic Bind-Off
  6. Braided Rib Bind-Off
  7. EZ Sewn Bind-Off
Bind-Offs for Garter Stitch
  1. Icelandic Bind-Off
  2. Chinese Waitress Bind-Off
Stretchy Bind-Offs/Bind-Offs for Ribbing
  1. In-Pattern Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  2. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO): 1×1 Rib
  3. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO): 2×2 Rib
  4. Yarnover Bind-Off
  5. Latvian Bind-Off
  6. Invisible Ribbed Bind-Off: 1×1 Rib
  7. Tubular Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  8. Kitchener Double-Rib Bind-Off
  9. Cable Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
  10. Cable Bind-Off for 2×2 Rib
Bind-Offs for Lace
  1. Frilled Standard Bind-Off
  2. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO)
Decorative Bind-Offs
  1. Knit 2 Together Bind-Off
  2. I-Cord Bind-Off
  3. Edging Bind-Off
  4. Hemmed Edge Bind-Off: Purl + Picot
  5. Frilled Standard Bind-Off
  6. Frilled Decrease Bind-Off
  7. Ruffle Bind-Off
  8. Picot Point Bind-Off #1
  9. Picot Point Bind-Off #2
  10. Picot Chain Bind-Off
Seaming Bind-Offs
  1. Russian Grafting
  2. Japanese Bind-Off
  3. ZigZag (Ancient Greek) Bind-Off
  4. Three-Needle Bind-Off
  5. Three-Needle I-Cord Bind-Off
  6. Kitchener Stitch Without Fear
  7. Kitchener Stitch for Garter Stitch
Other Bind-Offs
  1. Without-Knitting Bind-Off
  2. 1-Over-2 (Gathered) Bind-Off
  3. Cable Bind-Off for Seed Stitch
  4. Simple Two-Color Bind-Off
  5. Double-Stitch Bind-Off
  6. Sloped Bind-Off
  7. Tulips Buttonhole

Cast Ons two at a time

Using just one or two cast-ons can make your projects look homemade, not professional.

Learn 40 unique ways to start your knitted projects, with stretchy cast-ons, invisible cast-ons, center-start cast-ons, and more.


Cast-On Basics
  1. Estimating Tail Needed
  2. How to Make a Slipknot
  3. Casting On Without a Slipknot
  4. Slingshot Position
Cast-On Tips and Tricks
  1. Casting Onto Two Needles
  2. The Infinite-Tail Method
  3. Count Cast-On Stitches Fast
  4. Adding More Stitches at the Endl
  5. Fixing a Dropped Cast-On Stitch
  6. Cast-On Too Tight or Too Loose
Long-Tail Cast-Ons
  1. The Long-Tail Cast-On
  2. Long-Tail Cast-On – Thumb
  3. Old Norwegian (Twisted German) Cast-On
  4. Chain (Crochet) Cast-On
Short-Tail Cast-Ons
  1. Backwards Loop Cast-On
  2. Cable Cast-On
  3. Double-Twist Loop Cast-On
  4. Grandma’s Cast-On
  5. Knitted Cast-On
  6. Purled Cast-On
Stretchy/Ribbed Cast-Ons
  1. Alternating Cable Cast-On
  2. Alternating Long-Tail Cast-On
  3. Alternating Old Norwegian (Twisted German) Cast-On
  4. Channel Island Cast-On
  5. Chinese Waitress Cast-On
  6. Double-Start Cast-On
  7. Slipknot Cast-On
  8. Tillybuddy’s Cast-On
Invisible Ribbed Cast-Ons
  1. Italian Tubular for 1×1 Rib
  2. Italian Tubular for 2×2 Rib
Center-Start Cast-Ons
  1. Emily Ocker’s Circular Cast-On
  2. Invisible Circular Cast-On
  3. Garter Tab Cast-On
Decorative Cast-Ons
  1. Lace Cast-On
  2. Picot Cast-On
  3. Hemmed Edge: Purl + Picot
  4. I-Cord Cast-On
Double-Sided Cast-Ons
  1. Judy’s Magic Cast-On (JMCO)
  2. JMCO for two-at-a-Time
  3. Turkish Cast-On
  4. Figure-8 Cast-On
Color Cast-Ons
  1. Contrasting-Color Cast-On
  2. Two-Color Cast-On
  3. Three-Color Cast-On
  4. Twined Cast-On for 2-Color Rib
Provisional Cast-Ons
  1. Provisional Cast-On
  2. Crochet Provisional Cast-On
Special Shapes
  1. Moebius Cast-On
  2. Two-at-a-Time Cast-On

Basic Crochet Swatch

If you haven’t crocheted in a while (or ever), you’ll need a quick-reference dictionary of crochet stitches in order to follow any pattern.

Videos and GIFs teach and quickly remind you of each technique.


  1. BLO – Back loop only
  2. CH – Chain stitch | GIF
  3. DC – Double crochet
  4. HDC – Half-double crochet
  5. SC – Single crochet | GIF
  6. SL ST – Slip stitch
  7. TR – Triple crochet
  8. British Crochet Terms

K Knit Stitch Dictionary Cover image 92921 sm

Baffled by an abbreviation in your pattern? Video demos of 30+ abbreviations help you knit any pattern correctly and easily.


  1. 1×1 Rib/2×2 Rib – Ribbing
  2. BLCO – Backwards Loop Cast-On
  3. BO – Bind Off
  4. BO in Pattern
  5. Garter St – Garter Stitch
  6. K – Knit Stitch – American
  7. K – Knit Stitch – Continental
  8. K2TOG – Knit 2 Together
  9. K2TOGTBL – K2TOG Through the Back Loops
  10. KFB – Knit Front and Back
  11. Kitchener Stitch
  12. Long-Tail Cast-On
  13. Mattress Stitch
  14. M1/M1L – Make One Left
  15. M1R – Make One Right
  16. P – Purl Stitch – American
  17. P – Purl Stitch – Continental
  18. P2TOG – Purl 2 Together
  19. PFB – Purl Front and Back
  20. P/u (Pu) + K – Pick up and Knit
  21. Recognizing Knit + Purl Stitches
  22. S2KP – Slip 2, Knit, Pass
  23. SKP – Slip, Knit, Pass
  24. Sl – Slip 1
  25. SSK – Slip, Slip, Knit
  26. St St – Stockinette Stitch
  27. TBL – Through the Back Loop
  28. W&T – Wrap and Turn
  29. Weave in Ends
  30. Work Even

  1. YO – Yarnover

Knitting lingo can be confusing.

We define and illustrate over 80 knitting and yarn terms so that you can keep up with any pattern or discussion.


  1. Accidental Yarnover
  2. American/English-Style Knitting
  3. Aran
  4. Back Loop
  5. Beginning of Round
  6. Bind Off
  7. Blocking
  8. Bobbin
  9. Cast On
  10. Center-Pull Ball
  11. Chunky
  12. Circs/Circulars
  13. Circular Needles
  14. Colorway
  15. Colorwork
  16. Continental Knitting
  17. Contrasting Color
  18. Decrease
  19. DK
  20. Double-Pointed Needles
  21. DPN(s)
  22. Dye Lot
  23. Felting
  24. Fingering
  25. Flat Knitting
  26. Frogging
  27. Garter Stitch
  28. Gauge
  29. Gauge Swatch
  30. Getting Gauge
  31. Grabby
  32. Hank
  33. Heathered
  34. Highly Variegated
  35. In Pattern
  36. In the Round
  37. Increase
  38. Kettle-Dyed
  39. Knit Up (Verb)
  40. Knitting Flat
  41. Knitting Pattern
  42. Knitwise
  43. Lace
  44. Leg
  45. Local Yarn Store
  46. LYS
  47. Magic Loop
  48. Main Color
  49. Mosaic Knitting
  50. Multiple (Noun)
  51. Pull From the Center
  52. Pull From the Outside
  53. Purlwise
  54. Read Your Work
  55. Reverse Stockinette Stitch
  56. Ribbing
  57. Right Side
  58. Round (Noun)
  59. Round Knitting
  60. Self-Striping
  61. Semi-Solid
  62. Short-Tail Cast-On
  63. Skein
  64. Sport
  65. Stash
  66. Stitch
  67. Stockinette Stitch
  68. Straight Needles
  69. Super-Bulky
  70. Swatch
  71. Tail
  72. Tension (Verb and Noun)
  73. Tink
  74. Turn Work
  75. Variegated
  76. Weave In
  77. Weight
  78. Work Even
  79. Working Yarn
  80. Worsted
  81. Wrap
  82. Wrong Side
  83. Yardage
  84. Yarnover

Stork Embroidery Scissors Ultima made in Italy square

When you’re just starting out it’s hard to know which supplies are essential and which are nice-to-have.

Our list of recommended supplies will help you choose yarn, needles, project bags, and notions for every budget.


  1. A Treasury of Knitting Patterns
  2. Complete Idiot’s Guide to Knitting and Crocheting
  3. Custom Knits
  4. Handknit Holidays
  5. Harmony Guides: Knit & Purl
  6. Harmony Guides: Lace & Eyelets
  7. Knitting Brioche
  8. Knitting on the Edge
  9. Mosaic Knitting
  10. Son of Stitch ‘n Bitch
  11. Stitch ‘n Bitch Crochet – The Happy Hooker
  12. Stitch ‘n Bitch Nation
  13. Stitch ‘n Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook
  14. The Knitter’s Book of Yarn
  15. The Magic Loop
Fabric Care
  1. Blocking Mats and T-Pins
  2. Soak Wash
  3. Sock Blockers
  4. Sweater Shavers
  1. 10-Inch Rosewood Needles
  2. 10-Inch Signature Needles
  3. Addi Turbos
  4. Size 10 Birch Needles
  1. Ball Winder
  2. Cable Needles
  3. Crochet Hooks
  4. Embroidery Scissors
  5. Fabric (Puffy) Paint
  6. Kitchen Scale
  7. Knit Chek Gauge-Checker
  8. Knitting Needle Case
  9. Needle-Felting Needles
  10. Needle-Felting Pad
  11. Notions Case
  12. Pompom Maker
  13. Stitch Markers – Locking
  14. Stitch Markers – Split Ring
  15. Suede Slipper Bottoms
  16. Swift
  17. Tape Measure
  18. Tapestry Needles
  1. Hand Dyed Bulky
  2. Malabrigo Chunky
  3. Malabrigo Rasta
  4. Malabrigo Twist
  5. Walkabout Yarn
  6. Wool-Ease Thick n’ Quick Yarn

Handy Guide to Yarn Weights Needle Size and Gauge

Remind yourself about yarn weights, needle sizes, and gauge with our handy guides..


  1. US-Metric Needle Conversion
  2. Yarn Weights, Needles + Gauge
  3. Yarn Weights: Actual Size
  4. Yarn Weights: Photo Glossary

...with more courses being added regularly!

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Top Ten 10 Mistakes All Self Taught Knitters Make Book Cover

Stop making these common mistakes and knit with confidence

Stop making these common mistakes and knit with confidence

Top Ten 10 Mistakes All Self Taught Knitters Make Book Cover

Stop making these common mistakes and knit with confidence

Top Ten 10 Mistakes All Self Taught Knitters Make Book Cover
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