Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™
Become a Knitting Superstar™

You Did It!

My Classes » Brioche Knitting » You Did It!

You Did It!


RegaloChoco WA hat 7 21 22 smWow, amazing job learning Brioche knitting! Congratulations on a job well done.

In addition to learning and practicing the four steps to Brioche knitting, you’ve practiced a number of other critical intermediate techniques in this class including knitting in the round on Magic Loop and specialty cast-ons and bind-offs.

You’re now ready for more complex Brioche projects, with advanced stitches! I recommend designs by Nancy Marchant, Katrin Schubert, and Stephen West.

Keep up the good work and never let fear get in the way of knitting your dreams.

Share Your Photos

intheponds Surfers Delight 7 21 22 1At KnitFreedom, we are all about connection and encouragement as a way to support you in your journey to becoming a Knitting Superstar.

We’d love to celebrate your progress! Please post any photos of your finished pieces (swatches or full projects) on our Brioche Knitting blog post so we can celebrate with you.

Leave a Review

5 stars review comp 6922If you enjoyed this class, please take a moment and leave us a review. It helps other students know about the challenges they could overcome and the success they could have while following along with our course.

Please create an email to [email protected] and let us know 1) what kinds of things were difficult or challenging for you before doing this class and 2) what life looks like now that you’ve completed the class!

Please include your first and last name, and you get bonus points if you send me a photo of your face I can use in posting the review on our site.

🙏🏻 As a thank you, we’ll send you a special secret coupon code for 50% off any class in our store.

I look forward to hearing about your success!

Where to Go From Here

Moon of My Life Fair Isle sweaterYou are in an exciting position to now be able to knit so many more projects than before.

Having learned Brioche, almost any intermediate or advanced project is within your reach.

My top class recommendations are Fair-Isle knitting and charts. With Fair-Isle knitting you can create patterned designs with many colors, like those famous sweaters. And by learning to read charts, you can make complex projects simple to knit.

You can also check out my Advanced Tree Of Techniques blog post which goes into detail on the projects I recommend for you at this stage. Enjoy!

Help and Support

R Reliable Source
E Encouragement
C Connection
A Acceptance

If you have any questions while working through this class, please email us at [email protected]. We’ll get back to you within a day to give you personal help on this project.

Video Instructor Liat GatThank you so much for joining us, and we look forward to doing more great new projects with you in the future!


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