The ideal bind-off for Garter Stitch is:
stretchy but not too stretchy
a good match to the horizontal bumps
fast and easy
Blog Post: Best Bind-Off for Garter Stitch: The Icelandic Bind-Off
By Liat Gat – Founder / Bind-Offs, Bind-Offs for Garter Stitch / February 24, 2014 / 103 CommentsThe ideal bind-off for garter stitch is stretchy but not too stretchy, a good match to garter stitch’s horizontal bumps, and fast and easy. The Icelandic Bind-Off ticks all the boxes. The Latvian and EZ Sewn bind-offs also get the treatment here.
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Chinese Waitress (Double-Chain) Cast-Off
When you do the Chinese Waitress Cast-On on a reversible project, a standard bind-off doesn’t quite match. This cast-off creates an edge identical to the Chinese Waitress Cast-On so that you can enjoy the way your starting and finishing edges look when next to each other.