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How to Avoid Gaps in Two-at-a-Time Socks

Blog » Socks » How to Avoid Gaps in Two-at-a-Time Socks

How to Avoid Gaps in Two-at-a-Time Socks

Liat Gat - Founder

March 1, 2011

Some people get gaps on the sides of their two-at-a-time socks. Why?

When you’re using Magic Loop to knit your two-at-a-time socks, what you do in Ready Position, especially between socks, makes a big difference.

To prevent holes in the sides of your socks, you must manipulate the cable properly and not pull the first stitch too tight.

I was knitting a new pair of super-bulky-weight toe-up socks last night, out of a delicious skein of Malabrigo Rasta, and my sister helped me shoot this quick video to capture the moves that help the socks come out perfectly.

Here’s how to hold your cable and start your rounds to prevent any holes in your socks:

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Watch how far the back cable is from your front needles, and hold both together to prevent gaps or saggy stitches from running up the insides of your socks.

If you liked this tutorial on preventing gaps in your two-at-a-time socks, post in the comments!

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13 thoughts on “How to Avoid Gaps in Two-at-a-Time Socks”

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  1. That video was perfect! I’ve tried to verbally describe what you showed when people on the knitting forum complain that they don’t like Magic Loop because they always have ladders when starting a round or continuing to the second sock. I learned that pinching the needle, the cable, and the yarn together and maintaining normal tension on that first stitch is imperative, but most people need pictures. (Sometimes I feel I’m using all ten thumbs to keep everything together!)

  2. Oh, my nerves! That is the most helpful and timely video for me! I knit socks because you demystified, instructed, and encouraged me via videos 15 years ago. I LOVE socks, especially your generic toe up/top down pattern and instructions. I’m a yarn friend for life. Thank you so much, Liat!

    I wonder if you have or have thought of making a post (or pamphlet or video) about how to calculate sizes for different yarn weights. I am a fan of tables (grids, not the eat-on kind) and charts. I know that buried somewhere in the mass of my lovely knitting books is this information, but it will not be as well distilled or communicated as your instructions are. I’d love to knit some bulky yarn socks, but I really need a jump start on figuring out (a formula, really) that I can apply to whatever size I need.
    Of course, as I’m typing this an idea forms (as evidenced by the light bulb over my head), that I bet I should do a sample knit in the pattern/stitch I will use for the socks, measure the SPI and multiply that by the circumference of the sock. Am I getting warm? I suppose, too, that the Fleegle heel increases are worked with the same formula as for actual sock yarn, and legs, being what they are, will be whatever length is necessary (or until the yarn runs out). Of course, if working a pattern, I’ll have to take into consideration the multiple on which the pattern depends for it to come out correctly. Whew! Did I just have an enlightened moment? I’d still like your thoughts and sage advice. Thank you, dear Liat, Inspirer Superior!

    1. Hi dear Connie,

      Thank you for your wonderful and upbeat comment! I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. I’ve been traveling with my two young children and am not very coherent most days.

      I love your enthusiasm for socks in any weight of yarn and size. I have a present for you – such a formula already exists – no swatching required. Here it is:

      Is this what you are thinking of?

      Big hugs,

      1. Yesss! That was it! Thank you so much.
        Please don’t apologize for spending time with your boys (little or big). Family first. Always. I can remember how precious a 15 minute of time was so I could sneak in my first shower in three days while my son slept. It is a precious memory, but didn’t seem so much at the time.
        As soon as I pressed the send button, the thought occurred to me that I should check the site, as it is so complete… duh!

        History: I “found” you through a Knit Picks podcast. What a happy day! I’ve been forever grateful that you share your knowledge in such as calm, soothing, and organized way. Your voice alone, is a steadying element. If knitting goes south, you could be a recorded books reader… :)
        Keep up the good work. Enjoy the holidays with your family! Hugs from San Diego!

        1. Hi Connie,
          You are so sweet. Thank you for being so understanding of what it’s like to have little ones. I’ve completely forgotten what it feels like to sleep when I’m tired and eat when I’m hungry. But I get lots of squishy little hugs and giggles and tickles and it’s wonderful.
          I love that you found me through that KnitPicks interview long ago! I’m lucky that KnitFreedom has survived that long and I’m really looking forward to taking it somewhere cool in the future.
          Thank you for sticking with me. Happy happy holidays,

  3. Thank you! thank you!.I said it twice because it helped two problems.socks like to be together.I went to two set of needles rather fight the slow down of finding the second sock.

  4. I believe your instructions for the superbulky socks need one more adjustment. If you are to knit to only one stitch beyond the centre marker on the heel, the directions should read:
    Row 2: Sl 1, P3, P2tog, P1, turn
    Row 3: Sl 1, K4, SSK, K1, turn
    Row 4: Sl 1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn
    Row 3: Sl 1, K6, SSK, K1, turn
    And so on . . ..

    Otherwise, things do not turn out well.

  5. Oh my god thank you for the video. I have started toe up socks 4 times now and could not figure out how to get rid of the gap. Can’t wait to try again!!

  6. I know – I’m so sorry – YouTube videos that are embedded in a web page for some reason are not able to be seen on an iPad. I have to upload the video in a different format, which I am working on. Here’s a link to the video itself on YouTube: – I don’t know if this helps.

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