The Internet is flooded with free knitting videos, some high-quality, some, not so much. If you are a knitter who wants answers, you know you need a reliable source of video instruction you can turn to day and night.
Membership to KnitFreedom gets you:
*Lifetime membership
**Monthly membership
***Lifetime membership/individual class purchase
450+ Premium Knitting Videos
All our videos are of the highest quality and respect your time. They are short and to-the-point. They explain not only the
how but the
why. They clearly show you what you need to see without you having to pause, go back, and watch again. The tone is calm and encouraging, like your best knitting friend sitting right beside you.
Video topics include beginner knitting, bind-offs, Brioche, cables, cast-ons, Continental knitting, crochet, dictionary terms, dog sweaters, double knitting, duplicate stitch, Fair-Isle knitting, felting, fixing mistakes, gauge, Intarsia, knitting faster, knitter’s lifestyle, lace, learning to knit, Magic Loop, mittens, Moebius knitting, Mosaic knitting, Portuguese knitting, tips and tricks, toe-up socks, top-down socks, two-at-a-time knitting, and yarn.
You can watch samples of our videos by
signing up for our email list, upon which you will receive our Top Ten Knitting Mistakes video class, absolutely free.
25 Full-Length Video Courses
With KnitFreedom you will learn to do each knitting style or technique in-depth by practicing on one or more stylish, fun, and easy projects. Our courses take you through every single step of the project, and always include extensive troubleshooting tips to cover any mistake or confusion you may run into.
You will also have day-and-night access to several comprehensive video reference libraries such as pattern abbreviations, cast-ons, and bind-offs.
60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee
You are protected by our 60-day no-questions-asked 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. Try our courses out for 60 days. If you don’t love everything you learn and tell all your friends, we’ll give you your money back.
While we money-back guarantee your satisfaction with KnitFreedom, downloading videos acknowledges that you are happy with the product and are no longer eligible to receive a refund.
We have stood behind this guarantee since we started KnitFreedom more than 10 years ago, and we receive almost no refund requests. Our students love learning with KnitFreedom, and we invite you to try it too, 100% risk-free.
Exclusive Facebook Community
Ensure your knitting success by being part of a supportive, moderated group where you can share, ask questions, and get answers. All KnitFreedom members are invited to join our exclusive KnitFreedom Knitting Superstars group on Facebook as part of their membership. If you don’t prefer Facebook, we also provide extensive one-on-one email support (see below).
*Lifetime 50% Discount on Future Courses
We are releasing new courses all the time. Lifetime membership to KnitFreedom gets you a permanent 50% discount on any future courses you may wish to add to your collection.
**Ongoing Access to Future Courses
We are releasing new courses all the time. Monthly members of KnitFreedom have ongoing access to all current courses in the KnitFreedom catalog.
Personal Answers to Your Knitting Questions
We know self-taught knitters have questions, and we never want you to feel alone. All KnitFreedom have access to personal knitting coaching via email at any time. Our knitting experts can look at patterns you are confused on, troubleshoot photos of your knitting mistakes, help you find recommended patterns on Ravelry, and answer any other knitting-related questions you may have.
Individual class purchasers: When you purchase any individual class on KnitFreedom, we will be happy to help you via email if you have any questions on that class.
***Downloadable Videos for Offline Viewing
If you go on vacation and want to take your knitting videos with you, or you just live in an area with unreliable/slow Internet, our Lifetime membership is for you. You can download all our class videos to your computer at any time, and transfer them to your mobile devices as well.
Individual class purchasers can download the videos for any individually purchased class.