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Mastering Continental Knitting

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Mastering Continental Knitting

Making the Switch (Homework)

You may or may not want to switch entirely to Continental knitting right away.

Chances are, you’re much faster at American style, and not many of us are gluttons for punishment.

So, on your next project, do some of it Continental, and then switch back to American when you get tired of going slow. You’re brain won’t get confused, I promise.

It will take some dedicated practice knitting Continental, however, in order to get faster.

Once you are reasonably fast, I suggest that you try to switch completely. Remember, you can’t get better at driving stick if you usually drive an automatic. Take the automatic away, and boom! You’re driving stick.

Knitting Without Looking

Once you’ve been knitting Continental for a few months and feel really good about it, try making the movements by touch. This video shows you what to feel for.

Great job! I’m so proud that you’ve taken the time to learn Continental knitting.

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