Bind-Offs, Seaming Bind-Offs
Video: Three-Needle I-Cord Bind-Off
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Characteristics: decorative, seaming
This is an advanced seaming bind-off that leaves an I-cord along the seam.
It makes a pronounced round ridge, is stretchy and strong, and like the name suggests, requires a third needle.
You would use this on any project where you would want a visible ridge that is shaped like an I-cord (a knitted tube) running along the seam, for example, on a child's toy or quilt-square-type blanket.
- Hold a third needle in your right hand.
- K1 from front needle. Do not drop st from needle.
- Move new st back to L front needle. Work steps 2-3 three times.
- 3 new sts cast on.
- K1 from front needle twice.
- Sl 1 from front needle.
- Go knitwise into 1st st on front AND back needles.
- K those sts together.
- BO 1.
- Move 3 sts from R needle to L needle.
- All sts moved to L needle.
- Repeat steps 5-11 across.
- 3 I-cord sts rem on R needle. No sts rem on L needle.
- BO 1 twice.
- Cut tail and pull through last st. Stretchy!
Three-Needle I-Cord Bind-Off - Step-by-Step Photo Instructions
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More Information
I think you will feel really proud of yourself once you get the hang of this bind-off, because there are quite a few moving parts and steps involved.
But don't let that intimidate you! Just follow the steps that I show you in the tutorial and you'll be fine.
This is a bind-off that you will want to try just to see if you can do it, even if you don't ever use it on anything.