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Russian Grafting (Bind-Offs Class)

Knitting Videos » Bind-Offs » Russian Grafting (Bind-Offs Class)

Russian Grafting is a clever alternative to Kitchener stitch. It uses a crochet hook to seam up two live edges of knitting without ever having to get out your tapestry needle. It also creates a decorative, criss-crossed finish.

Video: Russian Grafting (Bind-Offs Class)

Characteristics: flat, invisible

This is a fast seaming bind-off that's good for beginners.

It has a visible zigzag seam that lays flush with the knitting. It is one of the few nearly-invisible seaming bind-offs that is not sewn (the other being the Three-Needle Bind-Off ).

This bind-off would work fine for the toe of a sock or anywhere that a sturdy, flat seam is wanted.

Extra Materials Needed: Crochet hook in same size called for on yarn label


Your working yarn is at the needle tips. Transfer it to the other end of the needle as follows:

  1. Pull back needle out.
  2. Turn back needle to face front needle. Sl 1.
  3. Slip all sts on front needle.
  4. Turn. Working yarn is at other end of sts.

Use a crochet hook the same size as is called for on your yarn label.

  1. With crochet hook, go knitwise into 1st st on back needle.
  2. Slip st onto crochet hook and off needle.
  3. Go knitwise into 1st st on front needle.
  4. Slip st onto crochet hook and off needle.
  5. Pull 1st st through 2nd st on hook.
  6. Go knitwise into 1st st on back needle, place st on hook.
  7. Pull 1st st through 2nd st on hook.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 across.
  9. 1 st on hook. Cut yarn, wrap yarn around hook.
  10. Pull tail through rem st on hook.
  11. Thread yarn onto a tapestry needle.
  12. Poke needle down side sts and pull through.

Russian Grafting - Step-by-Step Photo Instructions

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More Information

You'll be using a crochet hook to do this bind-off which makes it go really fast. Use a crochet hook that is the same size as your needles, not smaller. This will make the bind-off more even.

You'll need to transfer the working yarn to the other end of your needles before you start this bind-off, which I will show you how to do.

The trick here, as with most of the seaming bind-offs, is to get comfortable managing stitches on not one but two needles, and pushing the stitches to the tips of the needles without stretching them.

Pointy needles can be a bit painful in this case - you may want to use traditional needles like the Addi Turbos I use in the tutorial here.

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