Bind-Offs, Stretchy/Ribbed Bind-Offs
This 2×2 bind-off is very stretchy, with moderate-to-high bounce back, which means it won’t stay stretched out but rather it will bounce back into shape nicely.
Video: Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO) for 2×2 Rib
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Characteristics: 2x2 rib, great for toe-up socks, stretchy
Difficulty: Intermediate
This bind-off is bulky, especially on 2x2 rib.
It leaves a pronounced edge with a chain of stitches zigzagging along the top.
- K1.
- Backwards YO.
- K1.
- BO 1 twice.
- Regular YO.
- P1.
- BO 1 twice.
- Regular YO.
- P1.
- BO 1 twice.
- Backwards YO.
- K1.
- BO 1 twice.
- Backwards YO.
- K1.
- BO 1 twice.
- Rep steps 5-16 across row.
- Cut tail and pull through rem. loop.
JSSBO for 2x2 Rib - Step-by-Step Photo Instructions
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This content is available to customers of the following class: I Love Bind-Offs
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Animated GIF: Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO) for 2×2 Rib
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More Information
The first bind-off I adapted for 2x2 rib was Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-off. As predicted for this versatile bind-off, it worked great.
Because it is derived from Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off for 1x1 Rib, if you've already learned that bind-off, this one should be really easy. You just repeat each move for either the knit stitch or the purl stitch one more time in order to do two knit stitches and two purl stitches.
This means that, by extrapolation, you can also do this bind-off for 1x3 rib, or 3x1 rib, or any combination of knit-and-purl ribbing.
Based on: Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib.