Bind-Offs, Stretchy/Ribbed Bind-Offs
Video: Cable Bind-Off for 1×1 Rib
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Characteristics: firm
Difficulty: Intermediate
This is an intermediate, medium speed bind-off that is not very stretchy, but which is lovely for other reasons.
The special thing about this bind-off is that it is half-invisible, half-decorative. The columns of knit and purl stitches in the ribbing blend into the right side of the bind-off row in an attractive way that is sort of a cross between an invisible bind-off and a decorative bind-off.
1st st is a K.
- K1
- Move yarn to front
- Move st from R needle to L needle
- P2tog
- Move yarn to back
- Move st from R needle to L needle
- K2tog
- Repeat steps 2-7 across.
- Cut yarn and pull through last st.
It’s easy to remember how to do this bind-off if you keep the following rule in mind (my shorthand will make sense once you try the bind-off): K2togs go with knits and p2togs go with purls.
In more detail, that means: When you have a knit stitch in front of you, move the yarn to the back, move the stitch to the L needle, and do a k2tog. When you have a purl stitch in front of you, move the yarn to the front, move the stitch to the L needle, and do a p2tog.
With this tip in mind, you can do the Cable Bind-Off on ribbing that has any combination of knit and purl stitches.
Tip #2: Stretch the stitch to make it easier to pass it stitch back to the left-hand needle. Pull down the fabric under the stitch as you go to pass it over. This will stretch the stitch and make it easier to get the left-hand needle-tip into it.
Cable Bind-Off for 1x1 Rib - Step-by-Step Photo Instructions
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More Information
This bind off is much faster and easier than any of the invisible ribbed bind-offs, however it is not as stretchy as either of them so you might only want to do it on something that doesn’t need to stretch a whole lot.
As is true for most middle-of-the-road bind-offs, the best way to find out if this one is stretchy enough for your project is to knit a swatch for yourself and see.