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Stitch Terms

Back Loop

The leg of the stitch that is behind the needle. In knitting instructions the back loop is referred to in the abbreviation tbl (through the back loop).

Whichever leg is behind the needle is referred to as the back loop.


Photo knitting definition - knitwise - KnitFreedom glossary

With the needle going into the stitch from front to back, as if to knit.
Contrast with Purlwise.


One half of a loop of yarn on the needle. The front leg is the half closest to the tip of the needle. The back leg is the half furthest from the needle tip.

Contrast this with back loop.


Photo knitting definition - purlwise - KnitFreedom glossary

With the needle going into the stitch from back to front, as if to purl.
Contrast with knitwise.


A stitch is

  1. Any loop of yarn that is on your needle or
  2. Any loop of yarn that was on your needle and is now part of the knitted fabric.

In knitting patterns, “stitch” is abbreviated as “st” and “stitches” is abbreviated as “sts.”

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